I've been caught up in trying to describe my desire to worship with fresh words that really describe how I feel, not what someone else is saying about how they feel. I think the personalization will generate a sincere heart in my attitude during worship. About a week and a half ago, these words came to me:
I hold my breath and wait for You to come unglued.
I've repeated these words to myself many times as I sing or read alone, and I even wrote them out tonight before worship practice. God really showed me today that this statement goes both ways. I capitalized the You because I have been saying it to God, but he has been saying it back to me. He just wants me to come unglued when I worship Him. It's great to remeber the anticipation he feels about us, and how this life isn't as one sided as we always make it out to be.
I hold my breath and wait for You to come unglued.
I've repeated these words to myself many times as I sing or read alone, and I even wrote them out tonight before worship practice. God really showed me today that this statement goes both ways. I capitalized the You because I have been saying it to God, but he has been saying it back to me. He just wants me to come unglued when I worship Him. It's great to remeber the anticipation he feels about us, and how this life isn't as one sided as we always make it out to be.
I don't think that God could ever obsess as much as I do, but that's because he already knows the answers. However, it is nice to think of him thinking of us.
God has been speaking to me recently that we have a lot of power in our relationship with Him. We have the power to start, stop, or further our relationship with God. We have to make the first step and we have to make a conscious decision to do so.
every few months or so i get online and search for names of people i care about to see if there is anything new. you, kurt libby, are the one person who always comes up on a search with something new. thank you for being involved. i learned something from you today. thanks again.
meggin northcutt
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