Thursday, May 25, 2006

Church: all day, and all of the night.

I read on article over on, and as much as this wouldn't work in Oroville as a 24/7 thing, I think it may as an open-later-than-6 type thing. One of the most frustrating things that I've found at my newly acquired ripe old age of 23, is that moving from Reno, where all 24 hour establishments are questionable at best, to Oroville leaves a void in the places to be in the evening.

One definite cultural difference between the two cities is the lack of the 'university' kids, meaning indie music appreciating, coffee snobs, hummus on everything, art buffs, that drive a hybrid because anything exhaust-y is choking out mother nature, bro. There aren't actually too many in Reno that fit this description, but the point I want to make is that church is still a big deal here, where it isn't so much in Reno. People will go back, especially after having kids, because they went when they were younger. The church isn't as scary to most 20somethings because there is history there. Already though, the postmodern is being removed from it as a kid.

Example: Coming from a 20something girl at my wife's salon, "Wait, what are you talking about, what's a service?" Case and point.

Where do they go when they are seeking? Seeker sensitive mega-church or personable lounge, playing non-condeming music, and getting to talk to an inviting believer rather than talked at by someone who signed up to be inviting. I don't want to get too touchy-feely, but I know I'm not making Paul Proctor's list of acceptable people right now.

Anyway, interesting article, and I think more effort could be put into the foyer environment, (thanks Andy for that) to create comfortable conncetions to Christ followers.


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